Welcome to RasaSingapura
The homebased catering service for every day, your gatherings and your birthdays.
Specialised in Singaporean cuisine and in desserts as well!
Our bestsellers

Satay sticks, chicken or beef
Opor ayam, chicken with coconut milk gravy

Chicken curry with Malay pancakes (roti kirai)

Customised birthday cake with cupcakes
Rasa means flavor in malay and Singapura means Singapore in sanskrit (the ancestoral language of the region)
Singapore is a crossroad of civilisations and culinary influences.
Its population consists of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Eurasians.
Each ethnic group has its own culinary culture and it is one of the many charms of this small country : the choice and diversity of the dishes are just extraoridinary.
· Our products are fresh and bought whenever an order reaches us. That is the reason why we kindly ask you to contact us 2 working days beforhand if you want to order for up to 10 people.
· For orders for your special occasions we need a prior notice of at least 1 week.
For your orders you can contact us either :
by email : rasasingapura2016@gmail.com
DM @rasasingapura_ch
or by phone/whatsApp :
079 223 83 81
Normally we do not provide delivery service , but it is possible to work something out on this issue.
